Qualitative Research allows us to dig deeply into the mindset, motivations and drivers of behaviour.
We have been using Qualitative research for over 30 years and offer a pragmatic approach to ensure our research yields findings that can drive decision making.
Focus Groups
Whether held online or in person, focus groups are an excellent way of obtaining the additional level of detail that certain research projects require. They are an optimum methodology for testing new products, assessing packaging designs or concept testing. Lasting anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours, focus groups typically involve 8 respondents who provide focused, detailed feedback in a session led by a skilled moderator.

Clients have the opportunity to observe so they can experience first-hand consumers’ observations and reactions, while video of the sessions is provided as standard. Online focus groups allow for a much broader geographic reach and for very specific recruitment requirements to be fulfilled while being more cost effective than in person groups; in person groups however are perfectly placed for testing new products and packaging as respondents can interact with the stimulus. Whichever format is preferred, insights from the sessions are distilled into a PowerPoint report with comprehensive findings and recommendations to allow clients to make clear decisions as a result of the research.
1 to 1 Depth interviews

These can be at home or in-store and are a great way of probing more detail outside of a group environment.
One to one discussion can really help clients drill down to what really matters to consumers.
Our experienced Research Executive team can tap into what we already know about consumers, brands and retail interactions to ensure that we ask the right questions, to the right people in the right way.
Cambridge Market Research, Unit H
South Cambridge Business Park, Babraham Road, Sawston. CB22 3JH
01223 492050